PIN Codes Of India .


Pin Codes of India 2020

·       Pin Code Full Form is Postal Index Number Code.

·       Its Special Address of India.

·       It is six Digit code of Post Office.

·       On August 15,1972 PIN Came into Existance.

·       India Have 9 PIN Regions.

 First Digit is Northan  Region consist of Delhi,Haryana,Punjab,Himachal Pradesh&J&K.

Second Digit is Northan Region consist of Uttar Pradesh&Uttarchal.

Third Digit is Western Region Consist of Rajasthan and Gujrat.

Fourth Digit is Western Region Consist of Maharashtra,Madhya Pradesh& Chattisgarh.

Fifth Digit is Southern Region Consist of Andhra Pradesh& Karnataka.

Sixth Digit is Southern Region Consist of Kerla& Tamilnadu.

Seventh Digit is Easten Region Consist of west Bengal, Orissa, and North easter.

Eight Digit is Easten Region consist of Bihar, and Jharkhand.

           Ninth Digit is APS Region Consist of Ary Post Office.



There are six Digit but first two Digit of PIN Shows:


Delhi Circle

12 and 13

Haryana Circle

14 to 16

Punjab Circle


Himachal Pradesh Circle

18 to 19

Jammu & Kashmir Circle

20 to 28

Uttar Pradesh and Uttaranchal

30 to 34

Rajasthan Circle

36 to 39

Gujarat Circle

40 to 44

Maharashtra Circle

45 to 49

Madhya Pradesh and Chattisgarh Circle

50 to 53

Andhra Pradesh & Telangana Circle

56 to 59

Karnataka Circle

60 to 64

Tamil Nadu Circle

67 to 69

Kerala Circle

70 to 74

West Bengal Circle

75 to 77

Orissa Circle


Assam Circle


North Eastern Circle

80 to 85

Bihar and Jharkand Circle

90 to 99

Army Postal Service (APS) Circle


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